Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reading Reflection 2-BPHS

I think the internships, the integrated units, and the strong support with student choice and leadership have a great impact at this school. Creating curricular paths to success are essential to the student’s experience in a high school like BPHS. Individual and small group conferencing, while hearing and respecting students ideas are greatly needed. Although these are not new to the education community, they are not used nearly enough in our large secondary schools. Students are not being recognized and are therefore struggling to succeed in a large institution.

One of the practices that I saw at El Camino High that connected to Second to None was that there was a ‘quality curriculum and support provided for Language-minority students.’ This was evident from the numerous programs offered such as; Structured English Immersion Program, Bridge Program, and Spanish Language Instructional Program. There was also a large support team with a head English Language Development coordinator. These students are counseled and I believe they tried to involve the parents in decisions in regards to which program their child was ready for. Another practice I saw was the community involvement and student support through “Empowering Parents Workshops.” These are a themed parent workshop series focusing on topics such as, “How to successfully navigate the educational system and closing the Achievement Gap in your household.” There also was additional tutoring, learning center classes, and counselors to aid in their educational experience. This would be connected to providing comprehensive support for all students. Students enjoyed the number and different times of tutoring at this school.

Population continues to grow, so I believe that ‘small schools’ will not be possible in the future without more funding, space, and teachers. The personalized teaching and special assistance will slowly diminish because of the growing needs of each community. The sense of belonging and connectedness that is essential to their academic success could be changed. The schools will continue to have the need for restructuring with the increase in the student population.

1 comment:

  1. Most schools would say students create their curricular paths; BPHS pushes this in unique ways. I agree their might be population challenges to maintaining small schools. I think the greater challenge will be related to greed.
